Sundays at 10am
We are glad you're here.
Come anytime after 9:30am to grab a cup of coffee or tea and meet some of us before the service begins.
We believe you'll find Cornerstone to be a friendly, laid-back group that is grateful for the time to fellowship with one another and be genuinely formed into the image of Christ.
If you have any questions, look for one of our Hospitality Team members wearing a name tag lanyard!
1 John: The Certainty and Joy of Good Doctrine.
We just began a series on the Johannine Epistles. Click the button below to see the sermon schedule for the current quarter.
Scroll down on our homepage to listen to the latest sermon, or choose Media from the menu to be directed to further sermons on Soundcloud.
God serves us with his Spirit and his Word.
We gather to offer praise to our sovereign Creator and Redeemer because he has gathered us to himself and made us his own.
Our desire is to have the Spirit and the Word re-tune our hearts and realign our affections by reminding us of the Father's love in the face of Jesus Christ, calling us away from false priorities, and sending us out as announcers and demonstrators of the gospel of the kingdom.
What does our worship involve?
We follow a liturgy of being called to worship, confessing our sin and need for our Savior, being assured of our hope in the gospel, singing historic and modern songs with rich theology, worshiping by hearing the word preached, and being blessed and sent as the church into the world to spread God's glory to the nations. We don't believe this time of worship is just something we do, but that it is God's gracious means to do something to us!
We celebrate around the Lord's Table on the 3rd week of the month. All baptized believers who belong to a gospel-preaching, visible expression of Christ's church are welcome to participate.
We currently offer a toddler nursery (walking to 2 years old) and a church class for ages 3-6 during a portion of our worship gathering. A self-serve infant nursery is available for nursing moms and napping children where a livestream of the service is provided.
Children can be checked in at the CornerstoneKIDS kiosk on your way into the service.
All CornerstoneKIDS volunteers are thoroughly vetted and trained to provide a safe place for your children to be cared for and told the story of God's word centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Teaching and discussion on a variety of theological and practical topics;
part of our being made fit for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7).
Sundays at 9am.
2025 Core Training Schedule
January 5 - February 16 | Systematic Theology 4 (Ecclesiology)
March 2 - April 13 | Discipling
May 4 - June 22 | Marriage (not on May 25)
July 6 - August 17 | The Doctrine of Atonement
September 7 - October 19 | Biblical Theology
November 2 - December 14 | Unity